Your Water
To the best of its ability and in consideration of the existing source, the District will supply water at each customer’s service connection dependably and safely, in adequate quantities to meet the reasonable needs and requirements of the customer.

The District will attempt to maintain flowing pressures at the District’s distribution mains under normal conditions of at least 20 psi, except that during periods of peak hourly demands, the static pressure will not be less than 15 psi, and during periods of minimum hourly demands the static pressure will not exceed 100 psi.
The District will provide potable water that meets the standards of the United States Public Health Service (USEPA) for potable water as determined by the California State Department of Public Health.
The District receives its water from 3 groundwater wells and an intake in the Trinity River.
See schematic of the LCSD Water System below.
The water from the Trinity River is treated at the water treatment plant off Riley Mine Road and then goes into the North Tank to meet its contact time before entering the Distribution System. We have a continuous chlorine analyzer monitoring the chlorine residual as it leaves the North Tank and enters the distribution system to ensure we always have at least a 0.02 mg/L entering the system.
The groundwater is treated with chlorine before it enters the distribution system.
Daily, our operators check for a chlorine residual at 5 different locations throughout the distribution system to ensure we maintain a chlorine residual. At the very end of the distribution system, we typically have a chlorine residual of 0.3 mg/L. We also check the South Tank chlorine residual daily as that is the tank the groundwater wells typically pump into if there is no demand on the system. On average, the South Tank has a chlorine residual of 0.3 mg/L.

See also:
Drought Contingency Plan.pdf(Consumer Confidence Reports)
2021 CCR_Complete.pdf2022_CCR.pdf2023_CCR.pdfPublic Notification_Turbidity_Coliform_June 2024.pdf
Fire Protection
The District's water division is a purveyor of water and is responsible in part for the provision of fire protection through hydrant maintenance services. Such services are provided to the Lewiston Fire Department.
No person or persons other than those designated and authorized by the District, or the Fire Department shall open any fire hydrant valve, or tamper with the hydrant in any manner.
Water Service Disconnection Policy Due to Non-Payments
Customer Assistance Program Application.pdfDelinquent Accounts
Upon a bill becoming delinquent, Lewiston Community Service District (LCSD) shall give the person or entity responsible for payment of the bill (hereinafter referred to as “customer”) a notice of delinquency stating that water service will be discontinued after 60 days. The delinquent notice will be mailed to the mailing address designated on the account. If the mailing address and the address of the property to which water service is provided are different, a second notice will be mailed to the service address and addressed to “Occupant.”
Alternative Payment Arrangements or Extensions
Any customer who is unable to pay for water service within the normal payment period may request an alternative payment arrangement or extension to avoid disruption of service. Options include splitting payments (payment arrangements) for up to six months to pay off the full balance and deferring payments (payment extensions) of the full balance for up to two weeks beyond the due date. Additionally, LCSD offers a Customer Assistance Program (CAP, formerly LIRA), which provides reduced service charges for those who meet maximum income requirements.
For assistance with this, call LCSD at 530-778-0306, or email us at
Additional Assistance
Although some customers simply forget to pay their bill, others have difficulty making ends meet. There may be non-profit organizations in your area that can help. In addition, Cal Water offers a CAP for qualified customers.
Please contact us at (530) 778-0306 if you dispute your bill or would like to discuss payment options. If you are not satisfied with LCSDs response, submit a complaint to the California Public Utilities Commission by visiting Billing and service complaints are handled by the CPUC’s Consumer Affairs Branch (CAB), which can be reached at (800) 649-7570, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, if you prefer not to submit your complaint online.
If you have limitations hearing or speaking, dial 711 to reach the California Relay Service, which is for those needing direct assistance relaying telephone conversations, as well their friends, family, and business contacts. If you prefer having your calls immediately answered in your mode of communication, dial one of the toll-free, language-specific numbers below to be routed to the California Relay Service provider.
TTY/VCO/HCO to Voice
Voice to TTY/VCO/HCO
From or to Speech-to-Speech
English and Spanish
English and Spanish
English and Spanish
Toll-free number
(800) 735-2929 or (800) 855-3000
(800) 735-2922 or (800) 855-3000
(800) 854-7784
Notice to Tenants or Occupants
LCSD will make a reasonable, good faith effort to inform the occupants, by means of written notice, when the water service account is in arrears and subject to disconnection at least 10 days before water service is shut off. The written notice will advise the tenants/occupants that they have the right to become customers of LCSD without being required to pay the amount due on the delinquent account, as long as they are willing to assume financial responsibility for subsequent charges for water service at that address.
Final Disconnection Notice
Failure to comply with the terms of an amortization plan for 60 days or more, or failure to pay current residential service charges for 60 days or more, will result in the issuance of a final disconnection notice. The final disconnection notice will be in the form of a notice delivered to the premises no less than 5 business days in advance of discontinuance of service.
Restoration of Service
In order to resume or continue service that has been disconnected for non-payment, the customer must pay a re-establishment fee of $50 during business hours and $90 after normal business hours. Payment options are listed below.
- First option: full balance due
- Second option: past-due amount
- Third option: severance amount due, with payment arrangements
- Fourth option: payment arrangement
For your convenience, the disconnection policy is also available in a variety of languages as a downloadable PDF: